As alcohol distributors adjust operations and adopt touch-free delivery methods, are retailers prepared? 2020 has brought change to the way we do business, and one area that you can change for the better is your alcohol delivery process. Distributors from New York to Texas, California to Florida, and

Fintech and NBWA partnered up again to investigate 2020 Q2 beer data and see how COVID, supply changes, and seltzer shaped the second quarter.

Legislative changes can have a major impact on your alcohol business. Read our comprehensive law update to learn more. This year has brought some of the most significant changes to legislation that the alcohol industry has seen in years. With all the changes, it can be a challenge

As the overall impacts of the pandemic unfold, companies worldwide are left to change the way they do business. Everyone from global corporations to mom-and-pop restaurants has adjusted procedures and implemented new rules to keep their teams and customers safe. As a result, consumers are forming new purchase
As business begins to pick up speed and more employees are going back to work across the country, the concerns surrounding the employer’s responsibility to state-enforced safety precautions are increasing. Can your essential business be held responsible for employees who become ill?

Fintech makes swift move to develop tools to provide immediate benefit to clients in an effort to promote #ASaferWayToPay With crisis, comes innovation. As the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread throughout the world, businesses in all industries were pushed to adapt to a new normal. Over the past

Fintech and NBWA partnered up again to investigate 2020 Q1 beer data and see how the onset of COVID-19 could shape the year to come. Way back in January, when we held our 2019 Beer Industry Review with NBWA’s Chief Economist, Lester Jones, we made a few predictions

Amid all the challenges stemming from the COVID-19 crisis, one thing hasn’t changed - the alcohol industry’s dedication to come together to overcome obstacles. Here are just a few ways Fintech’s outstanding distributor network is pitching in and helping out where they’re needed.

How can we predict holiday success, and what else should we pay attention to when it comes to gauging overall industry success? Every year, the beer industry awaits the few sacred days where sales skyrocket – the holidays. While some holidays bring a consistent boom every year, others

Super Bowl LIV is expected to be a huge event. Fintech partner NBWA discusses how beer distributors are working to ensure there is enough stock.