third-party alcohol delivery


Even with the COVID-19 pandemic squarely in our rearview mirror, the on-prem alcohol industry continues to enjoy the expansion of retail privileges that were accelerated by modifications born from the pandemic.

What were once emergency allowances to allow alcohol to be served outdoors on sidewalks and in parking lots are now becoming permanent retail privileges in many states. What were once emergency allowances for on-prem to sell alcohol to-go are now becoming permanent privileges in many states.


States That Allow Retail Alcohol Delivery

As of today, 44 states allow alcohol delivery from retailers to consumers – either from on-prem, off-prem, or both. For retailers looking to simply meet consumer demand for alcoholic beverages to be delivered, or provide specialty drinks with take-out meals, or generate a little extra revenue, the expanding delivery privileges across the country allows retailers this option.


alcohol delivery to consumers map


In and of itself, alcohol delivery to consumers does allow retailers to meet customer demand and, potentially, realize a little extra revenue. Based on individual state laws though, the revenue part is largely dependent on the ability to outsource delivery services to a third-party delivery service provider (think Instacart, Uber Eats, Grub Hub, Saucey etc.).


States That Allow Third-Party Retail Alcohol Delivery

There are currently 34 states that allow alcohol retailers to outsource delivery to consumers.


3rd party alcohol delivery allowed map


In states that allow third-party delivery of alcohol, retailers stand a better chance of meeting consumer demand AND earning a small bit of revenue. In the states that do not allow third-party delivery services, though, the retailers must use their own employees to make deliveries. The logistics and cost can almost negate any profits that the retailer would hope to earn.


Some States Looking to Introduce Third-Party Delivery

There is hope for retailers wanting the opportunity to outsource delivery of alcoholic beverages. In 2023, there were at least nine states that introduced legislative bills to allow third-party delivery.

  • Wisconsin
  • Kansas
  • South Carolina
  • Vermont
  • Alaska
  • Oklahoma
  • Maryland
  • Arkansas
  • Montana

So far, none of the delivery bills in these states have passed, but I think it’s reasonable for retailers to hold out hope that the conversations will continue and the bills will be re-introduced in the next legislative session.


Fintech – Your Source for Bev Alc Updates and Insights

Fintech is constantly plugged into various legislative and industry updates nationwide. With the rise of e-commerce and third-party apps, it is important to stay in the know of how these innovations can affect the alcohol market. While Fintech handles your automated alcohol invoice payments, we are also a source of news and other insights. We have multiple new solutions that could create more efficiencies for your alcohol business.

Fintech solutions you might be interested in:

  • Daily purchase/payment files sent to your Inbox or integrated into your accounting system
  • Price Discrepancy reports
  • Custom Beverage Program purchasing reports
  • Streamlined Purchase Order processing
  • Automated payments to all of you non-alc vendors

We are grateful for our partnership with each of our suppliers, distributors, and retailers, which is why we are constantly trying to add even more value to them. If there’s ever anything else we can do to level up our partnership with you, please reach out! For questions about additional services, please contact your dedicated Fintech account manager.

For questions about this blog, please contact [email protected].

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